On 12 and 13 October 2019, Ivy Alvarez features at the 5th Filipino American International Book Festival, held at the San Francisco Public Library, alongside Filipino and Filipino American authors Cecilia Manguerra Brainard, Melinda Luisa de Jesus, and Leny Strobel.
Thanks to Paloma Press (comprising editors Aileen Cassinetto and C. Sophia Ibardaloza) for publishing Diaspora: Volume L; the Philippine American Writers and Artists (PAWA) for inviting Ivy Alvarez to attend; and to the Philippine American Literary House and other organisations for making this festival possible.

Event description: In celebration of Filipino American History Month, the San Francisco Public Library hosts the bi-annual Filipino American International Book Festival. The all-ages festival showcases Filipino talent in literature and other art media. Revellers can attend film screenings, literary workshops, panels and lectures. Throughout the festival, books are available for purchase, and book-signings are offered by authors in attendance. All events held at the Public Library culminate in a balagtasan, a poetic joust that is unique to the Phillippines.
The Festival’s theme is “Isang Mundó: Humanity, Diversity, and Resistance in the Arts”. Isang Mundó means One World.
On Saturday, 12 October, Ivy Alvarez participates in two group events and one book signing.
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM
“If You Want to Know What We Are”*
[*Title of a poem by Carlos Bulosan].
—Panelists: Angelo R. Lacuesta, Ivy Alvarez, Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta, R. Zamora Linmark, Randy Ribay, Yves Lamson. Moderator: Lily Ann Villaraza
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room
1:30 PM
Ivy Alvarez (author of Diaspora: Volume L)
4:00 – 5:15 PM
Filipinx Diasporic Poetry
Authors read from their work followed by a Q&A.
—Authors: Mookie Katigbak-Lacuesta, Ivy Alvarez, Cristina Querrer, Elmer Omar Bascos Pizo, Jason Bayani, Jan-Henry Gray, Eugene Gloria
Moderator: Karen Llagas
Media and blog mentions
- Rashaan Alexis Meneses
- Cecilia Brainard
- San Francisco Public Library
- Facebook event
- Philippine Star
- Asian Pacific American Librarians Association
Before the Festival, Ivy Alvarez reads her work at Pssst!!! It’s Pilipinx Lit Night! Prose, Poetry, atbp, in the Pilipinx American Diaspora, on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at 6:30 p.m., John Daly Library, 134 Hillside Blvd. Daly City, CA 94014. This is a free event.